
Mar 19, 2012

Musing Monday

This week's musing poses the question:

Would you choose to review a book if it's description sounded interesting but the cover was terrible? 

You know, I used to 'judge a book by it's cover,' if you want to put it that way, but I've learned my lesson time and time again. I still think the cover is a part of the book and should justify the beauty inside, and my eyes automatically look toward the book with the breathtaking cover, but I wouldn't turn down a book that sounded good just because there was effort lacking in making it look good. I'd shake my head and shame whoever was in charge, but I wouldn't condemn the whole book. The cover is supposed to serve a marketing purpose, drawing the eye to that particular book. It's supposed to make it stand out from the rest, and books with fabulous covers do get picked first.

(Lesson learned: Ever read Lauren Kate's Fallen Series? BEAUTIFUL book covers, horrible storytelling.)

Happy Reading Everyone :)

~ Keely ~


  1. Love your answer! Eye catching covers usually are my selling point, but most times I am pleasantly surprised at what is on the inside. :)

    Here's mine:


  2. Exactly, some books out there have gorgeous covers but are really awful, so why shouldn't the opposite also be true?


  3. I've never been asked to review a book but I probably wouldn't turn it away if it had a great premise.


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