
Oct 25, 2012

Pondering: Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi

Perfect for the fans of Shatter Me who are desperately awaiting the release of Unravel Me, this novella-length digital original will bridge the gap between these two novels from the perspective of the villain we all love to hate, Warner, the ruthless leader of Sector 45.

In Tahereh Mafi’s Shatter Me, Juliette escaped from The Reestablishment by seducing Warner—and then putting a bullet in his shoulder. But as she’ll learn in Destroy Me, Warner is not that easy to get rid of. . .

Back at the base and recovering from his near-fatal wound, Warner must do everything in his power to keep his soldiers in check and suppress any mention of a rebellion in the sector. Still as obsessed with Juliette as ever, his first priority is to find her, bring her back, and dispose of Adam and Kenji, the two traitors who helped her escape. But when Warner’s father, The Supreme Commander of The Reestablishment, arrives to correct his son’s mistakes, it’s clear that he has much different plans for Juliette. Plans Warner simply cannot allow.

Set after Shatter Me and before its forthcoming sequel, Unravel Me,Destroy Me is a novella told from the perspective of Warner, the ruthless leader of Sector 45.

OoOoO... This is intriguing. Warner was... kind of a ruthless prick in Shatter Me. He was obsessed with Juliette, and it was obvious there was more to him than the eye could see. I thought it was a little weird that Juliette felt this awkward attraction toward a dude who was trying to kill someone she loved, but hey, who am I to judge where raging hormones lead?

This being from Warner's point of view, I'm excited to see what goes on beneath that ice-cold exterior. I'm not sure if it'll make me hate him more and warm up to him ~ either way, it'll be interesting...

So, what did you think of Warner? Did you love him, hate him, or feel indifferent? I think he is doing a job that was ingrained into him from the day he was born, and his obsession for Juliette will be his downfall. I'm not too sure where her weird attraction to him stems from, but I'm curious to see what she does with it. As for Warner, I'm kind of indifferent as in I don't really feel I know enough about him yet to form an honest opinion. I'm thinkin' Destroy Me will rectify that :)

One more question, I promise...

What do you hope to see from Warner in this book? Would you rather him be the cold-hearted villain whose infatuation with Juliette is all about possessing something unique? OR would you like to see him with gooey, warm insides beneath that hard, brutal presence he puts off?

What do you hope to see from Warner?
pollcode.com free polls 

Lemme know what you think :)

Happy Reading Everyone :)

~ Keely ~

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I'm reading Destroy Me right now and loving it. Warner is interesting, and I may feel differently before the book is over, but I actually like him. I have a secret hope which I know won't happen. LOL.


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