
May 14, 2012

Musing Monday

Going on four hours of sleep, but I'm still here! That's the thing about blogging... I would rather get myself out of bed (even after a horrible night's sleep) to visit the book blog world for an hour rather than sleep for that extra time.. same could be said for reading into the night... Anyway,

This week's musing asks:

Do you tend to read to the end of a chapter, or can you stop anywhere?

Guess it depends. If I feel I need to stop reading to get a few things done, I'll check to see how far I am to the end of the chapter. If it's a few pages, I'll finish the chapter; if it's something like ten pages, I'll stop there. In the first scenario, I think I read til the end as an excuse to read for a minute longer. 'I'm almost done, so why not finish it?,' kinda thing.. 

Sometimes if I get really frustrated with a character or angry with how the characters in a relationship are reacting toward one another, I'll literally slam the cover shut, force myself to stop, and pace around my house 'doing chores.' Hehe :) 

Happy Reading Everyone :)

~ Keely ~ 


  1. I never read to the exact end of the chapter, unless I have made some kind of deal with myself that I get to read 1 chapter for every section of a traffic study (my work) that I do.

    Like you, I often get exasperated with someone just walking into a bad situation like an idiot, and I have to put the book down and go do some dishes or something until I can deal with those book people again.

  2. That's really similar to what I do too!! :)
    Those book people can get pretty irritating sometimes! I find historical romance novels particularly tending in that direction these days..

    Dee, from e-Volving Books

  3. I am sure those characters know how upset you are and that is why you did that! see, you win afterall! not...lol

  4. I am a whatever kind of reader as far as having to stop at the end of the chapter. It is always nice if I can, but in the real world that isn't always possible.

  5. I can stop anywhere too. Here's my Musing
    Check out my Giveaway
    Cathy @ Addicted To Books

  6. I wish I could stop anywhere.

  7. Anonymous5/14/2012

    I like you answer. If I'm doing something quick like putting something away I can stop anywhere and go back to reading but if I have to do something that will take a greater deal of time I like to finish to the end of a chapter. Here is my MM: A Great Escape

  8. I'll skim-read to get to the next chapter. There's just something about walking away before then...

    My kids try to get me to stop before chapters in various ways, though. ;-)

    My MM: http://etjrmbach.blogspot.com/2012/05/proper-place-to-stop-musing-mondays.html


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